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Do you know what a DC fuse is?

The DC fuse is mainly composed of melt and melt pipe and external filler. When the fuse is used, the fuse is connected in a protected circuit. When the current of the protected circuit exceeds the specified value, after a certain time, the melt is fused by the heat produced by the melt itself, so that the circuit is disconnected, thus protecting the circuit. DC fuse
In connection with a metal conductor as a melt, the electric circuit is connected in a circuit. When the overload or short-circuit current passes through the melt, the melt itself will fuse and fuse, thereby protecting the power system, all kinds of electrical equipment and household appliances. DC fuse
It has the characteristic of reverse time delay. When the overload current is small, the fuse time is long. The overload time is short and the fuse time is short. Therefore, in a certain overload current range to the normal current, the fuse will not fuse, can continue to use, the DC fuse is an overcurrent protector. dc fuse
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