Woneng Electronics Technology
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Do you know about connectors? What is the connector?

  Connector, or connector. It is also called connector, plug and socket in China. Generally refers to electrical connector. That is, a device connecting two active devices to transmit current or signal. The brands of connectors include Ganymede, newtrock, Toshiba, MOLEX, etc< br> Connector is a kind of component that our electronic engineers often contact with. Its function is very simple: in the circuit is blocked or isolated between the circuit, set up a bridge of communication, so that the current flow, so that the circuit to achieve the intended function. Connector is an indispensable part of electronic equipment. When you observe the current flow path, you will always find one or more connectors. The form and structure of connectors are changeable. With different application objects, frequency, power and application environment, there are various types of connectors< br> For example, the connectors used for lighting on the court are very different from those used for hard disk drives and rockets. However, no matter what kind of connector, it is necessary to ensure that the current flows smoothly, continuously and reliably. Generally speaking, the connector is not limited to the current. With the rapid development of optoelectronic technology, the carrier of signal transmission in optical fiber system is light. Glass and plastic replace the wires in ordinary circuits. However, connectors are also used in optical signal path, and their functions are the same as circuit connectors.
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