Woneng Electronics Technology
0769-2280 9006

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the patch tantalum capacitor?

The 1. volume is small.
2. use a wide range of temperature, high temperature resistance.
3. long life, high insulation resistance and small leakage current.
4. capacity error is small.
5., the equivalent series resistance is small (ESR), and the high frequency performance is good.
1. low voltage is not high
2. current small
3. the price is high
The full name of tantalum capacitor is tantalum electrolytic capacitor and one kind of electrolytic capacitor. Because of the use of metal tantalum oxide as medium, it does not need to use electrolyte like ordinary electrolytic capacitor. In addition, the tantalum capacitor does not use aluminum coated capacitor paper like ordinary electrolytic capacitor, so there is almost no inductance. It also limits its capacity. In addition, tantalum capacitors have no electrolyte inside and are suitable for working at high temperatures.
Although the tantalum capacitor is characterized by long life, high temperature resistance, high accuracy and high filter high frequency ripple, the capacitance is less, the price is more expensive than the aluminum capacitor, and the resistance to voltage and current is relatively weak. The causes of the explosion of the tantalum electrolytic capacitor are roughly divided into two cases, namely, the reversal of the positive and negative poles and the high exchange ripple in the circuit. Some customers will easily cause breakdown voltage of tantalum electrolytic capacitors without knowing the pressure, but they will burst if they burn. It is hoped that our customers will refer to the manual before using tantalum capacitors. Patch tantalum capacitors will not explode under normal circumstances. Please rest assured.
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